Let's jump on a quick call


(Step 1 of 2)

Fill in the form & then book a chat

Need some additional support?

  • This is a collaborative marketing session that you will be guided through.

    At the end of the session you will be given a plan with actionable items, recommendations and steps to hit the ground running.
    These sessions include:

    • A dedicated 2.5hour 1:1 session that will hone in on a specific aspect of marketing and branding for your business

    • Current website & social media audit

    • A summary of notes from our call, with to action items

    • A low level marketing plan with guidance in implementing the day to day marketing tactics & campaigns with:

    • To action items to implement post session

    • Document with a 4 week plan + recommendations that will be sent post session

    • Bonus/additional marketing resources given to you

    • 30 minute follow up call 2 weeks post sessions

$290 (2hours)

  • You have a long list of website updates but currently don’t have any time to get those website updates done.


    We can help you with this by knocking these updates out in 1 day

$380 (6hours)

  • You have a bunch of pre-recorded tutorials that you’d like to sell online to your audience or students. Online tutorials or an online portal with a monthly membership are great ways to make some extra money on the side. We have set up multiple online tutorial pages to help artists leverage their work and support international audiences and students.

    Book a chat with us to get this set up for you!

Starting at $480